Hello Loyal Readers. In case you hadn’t noticed it’s getting precariously near Christmas. But of course you had…for goodness sake it’s been impossible to avoid it since August. However, here in the final musing of the year I’ll do my best to remind you of the heady days of summer rather than the melancholy hiatus of winter. To start things off here’s grand-daughter Bay showing you why she’s decided to become a florist when she’s older:

And if Bay's not enough to banish the winter blues perhaps a small selection of flowers that grew in the garden this year might cheer you up, to remind you that the days begin to lengthen soon and then the whole cycle will begin gloriously again.
Not only in the garden of course. If you have eyes to see, flowers are everywhere. Sometimes lurking almost hidden amongst the undergrowth, often thrusting through the grass, always enhancing the countryside and just as beautiful as any hybrid.
And I think that’s almost enough. You’ve mince pies to make and presents to wrap. I was going to add to the mini-history lesson I gave you in my last musing (about the ancient village of Exceat and the sad tale of the lad who found it, in case you’d forgotten) but I’ll leave my thoughtful thoughts and fascinating insights about all the places of local archaeological interest till next time and merely wish you a very happy Christmas and all the best for 2025. And in case we were remiss enough to miss you off our Christmas card list, here’s what we didn’t send you. Apologies, but it did save us a stamp.